In-House Delegate meeting 2/7/11

On Monday, February 7 2011, we had what I thought to be a great opportunity to unify as delegates with Local 6 representatives Miguel, Billie and Harvey.  This meeting demonstrated some of our frustrations and disappointments we feel as delegates.  Genuinely, I know we all want a peaceful environment to do our job.  Unfortunately, we have a management staff that either knows the contract well and tries to fight it or we have managers who has never read the contract and thinks the less they know the more they can get away with.  It is not an accident that delegates are provided in every hotel and every department.  It is our solemn and mostly unrecognized duty to uphold the contract in the face of management and members if need be.  Because we do this we are seen as uncooperative, insubordinate and non-team players.  Frustration was the theme at our meeting but it is important to define these frustrations and direct it to its proper place.  My friends my frustrations are caused by management who think they have a better way to run our hotel other than the contract.  My frustrations are caused by union member selfishness, which makes them ignore the contract for personal gain.  My frustration is caused by a GM and HR that want to see all of us get paid just 75% of full pay and expect us to work like we are being paid for 125%. My frustration is caused by wicked individuals who place union members in crafted situations that cause us to fight amongst ourselves.  Though it is just my opinion, I cannot place any frustration on the business agents because they do provide the relief that we are desperately looking for.  A better work environment will present itself when all union members learn the contract and as individuals enforce it, because the union is not just the words in a small book. It is the active participation of union members to protect that which has been hard won through active participation by former union members.  I know that our temporary disappointments will lead to greater accomplishments if we preserve the IWA.

I welcome all questions, and encourage your participation.

Instructing union members how to stand up to bosses using federal laws and contractual tools.